Home » Why You Should Vote For Me In The Chrysler Blog Off

Why You Should Vote For Me In The Chrysler Blog Off

I have been asked a few times in the past couple of days, why I should get a vote over some of the other bloggers in the Chrysler Blog Off. Why do I want the win? The grand prize is a trip to New York City for my family to go to the 2012 NY Auto Show. If you have followed my blog, then you know I have not gone on a vacation with my family. With all of the medical issues we had with my son, my husband being out of work and bills pilling up we can not afford one. We go camping. We will get in the “Beast” and drive to places where we can camp. We love camping, but if we could take a real vacation we would in a heart beat. The “Beast” is old and can not be trusted to go too far, so we do not go very far from home when we camp. I would love to be able to win a real vacation, where my kids can enjoy another part of the country, enjoy flying in a plane, staying in a hotel in New York and seeing the sites! True I will also win a iPad for myself and two Visa Gift Cards, but I will also be given a second iPad to put in a giveaway for one of my amazing readers. It is not just a win for me, but this is also a win for everyone who follows me and wants that chance at winning a iPad2!

Keep the votes coming in, Tweet, share this contest on Facebook, anything that can help us win!! In exchange you can use your efforts in current giveaways as one entry per, or you can save the votes and shares for the iPad2 Giveaway when we win!! You guys have been great, I honestly did not think I had a chance against the other bloggers. They are also some really great women and when it comes down to it no matter what the results, you all have been an amazing support!!!!!!!!


1 Comment

  1. Laura Lane
    November 2, 2012 / 12:52 am

    I'm wondering how this came out.

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