Home » What's Your Ista Shirt (Gifts For Mom: Mother's Day 2012)

What's Your Ista Shirt (Gifts For Mom: Mother's Day 2012)

When it comes to finding shirts with sayings on them, I am the type that can be quite picky. I mean, I dont want to advertise something that I dont believe in or dont care about. When I go shopping and I find shirts that I will wear, if they say something on them, they have to be something that I am comfortable wearing and advertising. Recently I was given the chance to pick out a shirt that gives me the chance to choose what I want to advertise on my shirt, what I am passionate about. The site I chose my shirt from is called What’syourista.com! They have a great selection of shirts that pin point what you are, what you like, what your passion is. Going through the selection of shirts was not easy, there are a lot of ista’s that I could relate to, like the Campista or the Shopista. It was a hard choice to choose just one, but when I went through the different ista’s the one that really stood out for me was the Conquerista. Like many others out there, my family has been affected by cancer. A few years ago we lost my mother in law to breast cancer and during the same time a dear friend of mine’s mother, who I saw as a mother figure growing up,  fought and won her battle against breast cancer, so you can see why I chose to go with the Conquerista. I love how when you wear one of the ista shirts from What’s Your Ista? you put a message about yourself out there, because your ista is your niche, your thing! This Mother’s Day or for any reason, check out the great selection of ista shirts or even create your own ista shirt to make it even more personal, over at Whatsyourista.com!!! Also while you are there, use promo code momkat to get a 10% discount on your order!!!!

This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review.

1 Comment

  1. Laura Lane
    November 1, 2012 / 4:05 am

    What an interesting idea for a t-shirt.

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