Home » #Giveaway #RC Keeping The Kids Hydrated With PediaONE Closed!

#Giveaway #RC Keeping The Kids Hydrated With PediaONE Closed!

Summer is here and it is hot outside. My kids are out most of the day playing like most other kids, in the heat, and just like adults, they get hot and kids get dehydrated. In fact, it is our duty as adults to keep an eye on our children and keep them from getting dehydrated while they play. So when I was sent some of the PediaONE products to test out, well they literally could not have arrived at a better time. We had all been outside for most of the day when the courier showed up with the package, and we had our kids along with some of their friends over playing. Everyone was hot and thirsty and just as I was about to get drinks for everyone, I opened the box to see that the PediaONE had arrived for review! The kids were just happy to get something besides water at the time, but I was happy to hand the individual bottles out to my kids and their friends to get them hydrated so they could get back to playing! We found the PediaONE to be great for not just hydrating after play too.

As you can see in the picture above, Robert does not look too hot. We also found the PediaONE drinks to come in handy this past weekend when Robert came down with a little stomach issues, he had some diarrhea and was not wanting to eat. I knew that he needed to stay hydrated and since he liked the PediaONE, it was easy to keep him hydrated and get him back to feeling like himself again. I love that PediaONE is formulated to replace fluid, vitamins and minerals that your child can loose when they have diarrhea, the flu, or when they get sweaty after playing in the heat! So this summer or when you child is ill, head out and get them some PediaONE! Well to help keep your kids hydrated this summer, the wonderful people from PediaONE would like to send one of my readers some PediaONE to share with their little one!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review.


  1. Kelly R.
    July 2, 2013 / 11:42 am

    I like that it comes in different all natural flavors and in different sizes.

  2. Narathip Wall @ learn to be a mom
    July 2, 2013 / 8:54 pm

    I like that it is an all natural oral rehydration solution specially formulated to effectively replace fluid, vitamins and minerals lost due to diarrhea, vomiting, or excessive sweating.

  3. JLin Mei
    July 3, 2013 / 2:22 pm

    It can encourage kids to drink the right amount of fluids, which is the first step in restoring and maintaining an electrolyte balance in the body.

  4. JLin Mei
    July 3, 2013 / 2:23 pm

    Entered Edible Arrangements

  5. Narathip Wall @ learn to be a mom
    July 6, 2013 / 8:24 pm

    I entered the Tiny Love 3-in-1 Rocker Napper 7/26 giveaway.

  6. Jennifer Hiles
    July 7, 2013 / 3:49 pm

    I like that Pedia One is low on sugar but has lots of great minerals and nutrients.

  7. Kris
    July 16, 2013 / 8:21 pm

    I like that PediaONE® is an all natural oral rehydration solution specially formulated to effectively replace fluid, vitamins and minerals lost due to diarrhea, vomiting, or excessive sweating.

  8. Kris
    July 16, 2013 / 8:24 pm

    i entered country crock

  9. Sherry Compton
    July 19, 2013 / 2:06 pm

    CommentedGet The Tangles Out After A Washing Your Hair With The Wet Brush Sherry Comptonsavewish@yahoo.com

  10. carlaboo11
    July 20, 2013 / 5:58 am

    ilike that it has nutrients in it

  11. kathy dalton
    July 21, 2013 / 3:47 pm

    it is nutritional, comes in flavors and helps maintain hydration

  12. Christine Jessamine
    July 22, 2013 / 12:54 am

    I love these contain a higher level of zinc

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