Home » Get Your Glasses From SelectSpecs.com This Back To School Shopping Season

Get Your Glasses From SelectSpecs.com This Back To School Shopping Season

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With all of the back to school shopping here, there tends to be a lot that gets put on that to do list. One thing that most parents have to do each year is take our kids to get a physical for school, so that they can play in sports and such. Aside from the physical, there is also a eye exam, that is not required, but is a good idea to put on that list so that your kids go back to school with every tool they need so that they can do their best! For me, I schedule the eye exams for myself and my kids around the same time, so that I can get everyone taken care of all at once. It also helps me, for if and when I need to order glasses. I can get the orders in and have the glasses here by the time the new school year starts. Now, I know that the expenses pile up and that we parents, no matter what the kids might think, are not made of money. I mean, once you have the school supplies, new clothes for the new school year, the physical and a eye exam down for everyone, you may begin to get a little anxious, especially if you will need to be getting new glasses on top of everything else. That is why I like to find the best deals on everything I need for back to school, which includes the glasses. Recently I was introduced to a site that not only has the glasses I want and need, but they also have specific categories that are very budget friendly. For me, when it comes to getting glasses, well I am picky, and I know each year that even if no one else in the house needs glasses, I most likely will be needing a new pair. I know that there is a budget set for my family for back to school expenses, but I also want to get glasses that look good as well. So when I was given the chance to do a review for SelectSpecs.com, I was excited to see what they had in store, that were budget friendly, and to see how the ordering process went. I chose to go with a pair of glasses from the Economy Glasses section on SelectSpecs. I went with the Savannah glasses in the Burgundy color. I love that they display on the product page, the dimensions, from the frame sizes to the size of the lens, that way I can have a pretty good idea of how they will look when they come in. Then, once I had found the pair I wanted to go with, I found that putting in the prescription information that my Dr. had given to me, was a very easy process. From there, I was able to choose the lens specifications that I wanted, like the tint and lens type, then I was ready to place my order. It was so easy, and with in a couple of weeks of placing my order, my glasses were here! They were exactly what I had ordered and were what I had expected, so there were no surprises as to how they would look. I am very satisfied and when I tell others that the pair of glasses I got were only about $14, well it becomes very obvious to others on where they should go to when getting their glasses this year! So, instead of stressing on getting those eye glasses prescriptions filled after all of the rest of your back to school expenses, relax, and head to SelectSpecs.com today, and find yours and your families glasses today at a great price!!

This was not a paid post and honest/original opinions were used and they are my own. Thank you to the company and/or pr agency who supplied the product for review.


  1. slehan
    August 18, 2013 / 3:51 am

    Glasses are on my back to school list. Thanks for the info.slehan at juno dot com

  2. Sandy VanHoey
    August 18, 2013 / 10:39 am

    My grandson is due for his eye exam and he is 6 and has wore glasses for the past 3 years. I need to share this info with my daughter because usually, he does require a new pair on each exam.

  3. Robin Wilson
    August 18, 2013 / 1:52 pm

    I have checked other on-line glasses sites before and because I have such a strong prescription with bi-focals it always ends up being costly with a very minimal savings. The glasses you selected are very nice and the cost is good too. I will check them out!

  4. randy fulgham
    August 18, 2013 / 5:57 pm

    i need to check onto this –I need some new glasses..

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