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Global Campaigns to Help Children

Global non-profits try to work against some of the most heinous inequalities and injustices on the planet. To work properly, these non-profits are reliant heavily on the support of donations from citizens across the world, particularly in the Western world. Although poverty and suffering in the Western world requires swift action, the percentage of the poor in heavily indebted countries, particularly those in sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America, face insurmountable obstacles just to grow and learn. The infant mortality rates in many of these countries are quite high and the children that may grow up in the poorest regions in these countries face issues related to public health and education.

Because of these issues, many global non-profits are targeting funding campaigns that focus on prenatal health and the early development of children in many different countries across the world. It has become a fact within human health and development that providing important nutritional and medicinal access to pregnant women and their children can cut the infant mortality rate radically. These campaigns from global non-profits try to tap into the reality that many of these nutritional and medicinal investments are relatively affordable for a citizen in affluent country, but are extremely hard to afford in a poor region in an indebted country. For example, some global non-profits will advertise that if a person gave $20 to their cause, that $20 could help feed three malnourished children somewhere in the world. $20 may not be a lot for an affluent citizen, but its life-saving for a child somewhere in the world. 

UNICEF 1000 days is a great initiative that is one example of a global campaign to help pregnant mothers and children. The UNICEF campaign argues that first 1000 days of life for a child is crucial to their development. This includes proper nutrition and important medications, like vaccines. The campaign advertises that people concerned about children across the world can donate specific intervals of money that can go to help specific issues facing these children. For example, giving $49 to the campaign can directly vaccinate 175 children against measles. Another example would be $69, which can provide 88 satchels of nutrient rich milk to children across the world. 

These campaigns are meant to provide urgency and a simple answer: donating just a few dollars can provide extremely important health and nutritional aid to children. These global non-profits do their best to reach as many people they can across the world so they can donate small amounts of money to solve big, public issues in some of the poorest regions of the world.

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