Home » #PromisetoBaby "Our Promise" Peace of Mind from Johnson's Baby #Partner

#PromisetoBaby "Our Promise" Peace of Mind from Johnson's Baby #Partner

Babies are such an amazing thing. From the time we find out that there will be a new baby coming, to that first moment, when baby enters the world, and becomes the newest member of a family. I find that I make promises to protect them and love them, and as a parent, I personally find that each of my babies have amazed me from the day they were born, and I find each of them to be a miracle all in their own. I also find that as a parent, those promises I made them from the time I found out of their existence, that I want to keep those promises to keep them safe, healthy, and for them to know they are loved. So when it comes to taking care of baby, I want products that are safe, and that are also products that help with babies care.

Recently I was sent some products from the newly formulated, Johnson’s Baby products. Like many moms out there, I had heard concerns that some had voiced on the products, but as a mom, who’s own mother used the Johnson’s Baby products on her, I have always found the line of products to be a line that I trust and have used. As a parent, I can really appreciate that instead of ignoring or fighting back against the concerned parents out there, the people from Johnson’s Baby listened, and they changed the product formulas, not because of safety, but for peace of mind. Johnson’s Baby is a line of products, that have been around for many years, or like in my family, generations, a line of products trusted to help me and my own mom, keep those promises of keeping baby safe.

Aside from reformulating the products from Johnson’s Baby, the scientists behind Johnson’s Baby and their families want to show their commitment to parents and baby, by creating a origami stork mobile, which is a way of symbolizing the delivery of their promise to always listen to moms! You can see this amazing origami stork mobile in the video below called, “Our Promise”, which is a open letter to mom! The inspiration behind the video and the stork mobile comes from a Japanese legend, where 1,000 origami cranes represent a wish being granted and a promise fulfilled, which is considered to be a labor or love! And changing the line of products, is their labor of love for moms and babies! Instead of cranes they decided to go with storks, since storks represent the delivery of a baby, the hopes and promises of families.

  • The
    Family is excited to introduce you to our seven newly reformulated

    Baby HEAD-TO-TOE®

    Baby Lotion

    Baby Shampoo

    Baby Shampoo & Conditioner for Thick and Curly Hair

    Baby Shampoo & Conditioner for Thin and Straight Hair

    Baby Shampoo with Calming Lavender

    Baby Soothing Vapor Baby Bath

I was provided with products from Johnson’s Baby for this post. I was chosen to participate in this sponsored post through The Motherhood, all opinions are my own.
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