Home » Caring for the Little Ones in Your Life with Earth's Best

Caring for the Little Ones in Your Life with Earth's Best

With having a toddler and a new baby joining the family, I like to have products on hand, ones that help with caring for the little ones in our lives. One brand of products that we have enjoyed using over the years that we will continue using is Earth’s Best! Recently I was sent a great assortment of products for both baby and my toddler, from the wonderful people at Earth’s Best. For my toddler, we were sent some great meal options, both the on the go pouches and the dishes that are easy to prepare and serve with his favorite Sesame Street characters on some of the products. Then for baby, we were sent some of the Earth’s Best Chlorine Free Diapers and Chlorine Free Wipes!

With the diapers, we decided to put them to use in a fun diaper cake that we made to help welcome baby. The diapers were the perfect size, and helped bring our diaper cake together beautifully! Then once baby is big enough to use the diapers, we can use the Chlorine Free diapers that were left over from the pack and in the cake to help diaper babies bottom!

With the products from Earth’s Best, we can not only care for our little ones with the diapering and skin care products that are safe and effective, but we can give the little ones in our life organic options when it comes to feeding as well. In all, making the selection of products from Earth’s Best a great selection of products to have on hand, not only as you prepare for baby but also as you care for the little ones in your life!

Product received, thank you to Earth’s Best for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.

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