Home » #Clearblue Marking Beginnings of Motherhood with Clearblue

#Clearblue Marking Beginnings of Motherhood with Clearblue

With Mothers Day just days away, I find myself thinking back, thinking back to those times where becoming a mother was just the beginning of my journey into motherhood. When my husband and I were first married, I had already had my daughter from a previous relationship. So I was already a mom, but I was a mom who was ready to embark on a new journey, the one of becoming a family with my husband and adding to our new family. I can remember when we were ready to get pregnant, it was all I could think of. We had a loss just a few months prior, and due to the loss and complications I had, I was going in regularly to my OB because we were told that there was concern over the fact on whether or not we could get pregnant again.

I was marking the calender, counting the days of ovulation, and each month that went by where I did not get a positive pregnancy test, just devastated me. Luckily I had my husband who, each time I took a test that came up negative, would reassure me that it will happen, and it will happen when it is meant to happen. So like many, I just kept doing as the doctors had suggested, I went in for all of the testing, the checks to ensure everything was going to be okay, and a week before we were to discuss seeing a fertility specialist, it happened.

I can remember going to the store to get groceries, and I knew I still had another week before I should take a test, but for some reason I thought, why not? So I went down the isle with the pregnancy tests and bought 2 packs of the Clearblue Pregnancy Tests. I bought two packs because, I felt that I really wanted to take one in the morning, even though they suggest you wait until after your missed period. My thinking was that if that one was negative I would save the other one for when the time was closer.

When I got home, I just put the tests in the bathroom, and I did not mention that I was taking a test to my husband, because deep down I did not want to give our hopes up. Morning came and I got up, went about my morning routine, and when I went to the restroom I took the test then placed it on the counter as I took a shower. My husband walked in and saw the test sitting there. He had reached over to move it and then asked me with excitement in his voice, when I was planning on telling him?

At that moment I did not know what the results were, I just told him that I did not tell him I was taking one because it might be too early to tell, and I was just doing it to ease my own mind. He then asked if I had seen the test. I had soap in my hair, and in a instant I jumped out of the shower and told him to quit playing with me. He held up the test and showed it to me, to reveal that we were in fact pregnant! In that instant I had forgotten all about the soap that was still in my hair, and all I could focus on was that word, clear as day on the test that said, “PREGNANT”!

We were ecstatic, and when we went in for our next appointment that following week, the Dr confirmed the results we got from our Clearblue Pregnancy Test, making the moment when we found we were having our middle child, a moment we will never forget! So if you are trying to get pregnant or you think you might be pregnant, keep the products from Clearblue in mind when it comes to that special time in your life!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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