Nowadays, everybody seems to want to have maternity photographs taken when they are pregnant. And for good reason, really. It is a unique opportunity to eternalize those special nine months in which you were able to experience the miracle of life. Maternity photography is a really meaningful part of pregnancy nowadays, allowing you to put into picture those raw feelings and emotions you experience during that time.
People also love to look back over the maternity photographs. While people like to have a photo shoot, they often only look at those pictures a few times and then forget about them. With maternity photography, however, the pictures come back out again and again, if they haven’t actually got a permanent place on the wall. On a psychological level, these pictures actually happen to strengthen relationships between partners and children alike. For a child to see a picture of themselves in the womb of their mother, and for a partner to see their significant other growing this child is something truly unique.
What Is Maternity Photography about?
When you take maternityphotos in Los Angeles CA, you will find that you have an opportunity to be truly natural and beautiful. This is not a chance to look like a glossy magazine model. It is a chance to celebrate the natural development of your body. Naturally, a photographer will always make sure that you look your best, but it is important to set your expectations right. This is what you also need to prepare yourself for, both physically and mentally.
How to Prepare Yourself
A lot of women struggle with the psychological element of a maternity photo shoot. They feel as if their privacy is on the line. However, you have to remember that you have to decide how exposed you want to be. You can be anything from completely covered to completely naked. Simply put, you have to know your own limits and stay comfortable. Any discomfort you feel, also on a psychological level, will show up on your photographs. Hence, it is better to have more clothes on and feel comfortable, then to bare it all and end up with a hideous photograph. Also, remember that these photos are not solely about you. They are about building a family. So, make sure you bring other children, your partner, pets and anyone else you care about.
You also have to prepare yourself physically. Think about some of the things you want to wear, makeup you want to have one, poses you like, where you want to be in terms of background and more. Make sure that whatever clothes you wear do not sit tight around your belly, as you don’t want to leave clothes marks on there. Finally, remember that you are carrying a human body inside your own body. This is heavy and a lot of work. So, don’t stay in positions that don’t feel comfortable, rest often and don’t stay on your feet too long.
These are great tips! I'll have to share with my oldest daughter because she lives in L.A. and I hope will soon be pregnant in the next year or so!
I've never done a maternity session before–I haven't been brave enough to.