In our home, we have a list of shows that everyone likes, and with that we find that shows from Disney Junior like Kate and Mim-Mim, to be a favorite in our house. Well with our family movie nights, we not only like to find and add movies to the mix, but we also like to find and add some of our favorite shows to the mix as well! So when we were sent the new DVD, Kate and Mim-mim: Flight of the Flowers to review, we were excited to check it out and add it to our family movie night selection!
With this DVD, you get a fun collection of Kate and Mim-Mim shows to watch that are perfect for ringing in the Spring with little ones! The shows include:
Flight of the Flowers
The Need for Seed
Butterfly Flowers
Small Wonders
Babysitting Squoosh
Bunch O’Boomers
Making the new DVD, Kate and Mim-mim: Flight of the Flowers, a great DVD to get and bring home to share for
Product received, thank you to the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
I would share this with my niece she would love it
I would share this with my nephew if I won. Thank you for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com
I would share this with my daughter. I think she would really enjoy it!
I would share this with my little granddaughter. She loves Kate and Mim-mim!
I would share with my daughter!
I would share with my daughters. They would love this. Patricia
I would share this DVD with my nieces. I think they would really like this.
My grandson would like watching this cute DVD with his grandma.
My kids
I'll be sharing with my niece!
I'd share this with my daughter!mcfallsk8er[at]aim[dot]com
I would share this with my little niece. thankyou, ken
I would watch this with Alysia who is 7 years old.
i bet my niece would like it!