Home » Top 3 Things Hidden Inside Our Mattress

Top 3 Things Hidden Inside Our Mattress

I am a real proponent of
getting the right amount of quality sleep. Why? Simple really. It’s good for
our health in so 

many ways. A good night’s rest keeps us alert, healthy, fit,
socially adept, less grouchy and it even can help with weight loss. That’s a
lot of pros if you ask me.

We spend about a third of
our lives in a state of slumber or at least we should be doing precisely that
to profit from the above. So, where do we spend that substantial part of our
lives? Yep, you got it – in bed.

The bed is the foremost
piece of furniture in our homes. Being aware of that, I put a lot of research
and effort into seeking out the ideal mattress. I scoured tons of websites,
gleaning information, enabling me to make the right choice in mattress. And happily, I stumbled across https://www.topmattress.com to aid me in my decision.

Having said that, during
my quest for information, I discovered something that was somewhat
disconcerting. The mattress, although essential to quality sleep, is most
probably the murkiest item in our homes. Yes, you read that right. You can go
back and reread those words just to be sure. But no matter which way your mind
tries to turn them, they are accurate.

What does it mean though?

It means that we are
spending a significant portion of our lives potentially breathing in a combination of rather horrid particles. On that note, I in no
way want to claim that any of you run an unclean household; on the contrary, I
only want to create awareness. And let’s be frank here, not so long ago, I did
not even know that my smartphone harbored more bacteria than my toilet. Taking
that into consideration, there still might be many of you out there that were
not mindful of the fact that you are sharing your bed with more bedmates other
than your partner.

Who are they? Only kidding. What are they?

1. They could be an amalgamation of different things

Here are the most likely
suspects: allergy-causing dust
bed bugs and fungal spores. The good news is that none of these will kill you.
However, particles such as dust and mites can exasperate or encourage asthma
and allergies.

That was pretty
disgusting. We’re all done, right? Wrong! No matter how revolting, those above
are just the tip of the iceberg. The following are two more sets of potential
bedtime companions.

2. Bodily residue

Have you ever slept on a
dark-colored bedspread or white depending on the color of your skin? What did
you notice? The surface was full of minute specks. These are nothing other than
skin cells and the dust mite’s favorite meal.

Here’s another nasty one
for you. After an eight-year period, due to urinal secretion, body oils,
saliva, sweat and genital fluids, your mattress can infuse enough liquid to
fill two bathtubs. 

3. Chemicals      


The most common chemicals
found in mattresses are foam, flame-retardants, synthetic latex and vinyl.

is petroleum-based, which is a meeting of toxic chemicals ready to do damage.
At first, nothing untoward will occur, but over time they dissemble and emit
gasses (chemical dust) into the air you breathe. Lastly, this material is
highly flammable.

latex is very much like foam because it is petroleum-based.

never fully merge to materials, resulting in their release into the air over
time. Being exposed to these chemicals can cause eye, heart and lung
complications, making them the worst of the group.

chemicals are used in the production process of this material that seeps out
over time, causing health problems.

Remember, it is not only
a sales pitch to change your mattress every few years!         


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