Home » Back to School with the Products from Sprout

Back to School with the Products from Sprout

The back to school shopping season is upon us and like many, I like to seek out the school supplies that the kids not only need on those back to school shopping lists, but also the supplies that offer more for my kids and our environment. So when we were sent some products from the Sprout line up to review, we were very excited to check them out. You can watch Estrella’s video review below.

I can appreciate that with the colored pencils we were sent, that my kids can not only use these pencils at school but they can also use them to color in the Mindful Coloring Book that we were sent! The Sprout Color Pencils come with 8 colors to choose from and each of the pencils have their own seeds at the end for your kids to plant once they have no more color left in their pencils! Instead of the kids throwing out those stubs after they have gotten past that last nub on their pencils, they can plant them and grow various herbs and plants. The color pencil pack includes the following colors and seeds for the plants:

Basil (Green)
Sage (Purple)
Thyme (Pink)
Sunflower (Black)
Cilantro (Brown)
Forget Me Not (Blue)
Cherry Tomato (Red)
Calendula (Yellow)

Then with the Mindful Coloring Book we were sent to color with the color pencils, my kids can enjoy a calming selection of pictures to color which are great for calming the mind and unfolding creativity! There are 14 drawings to choose from along with 24 veggie buddies stickers and did you know facts on each page.

We have found the color pencils to be great to use while coloring in the coloring book we were sent. My kids are also excited to take their Sprout products to school with them this year so they can use them in the classroom then bring the nubs home to plant in the garden later on! Which in all, makes the choice to shop the Sprout line up this back to school season a great choice to go with!

Product received, thank you to Sprout as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.


  1. Janet W.
    August 4, 2016 / 9:56 am

    Those products look like nice quality!

  2. Julie Wood
    August 4, 2016 / 1:14 pm

    WOW! This is amazing. I have never heard of a pencil having seeds at the end of it. What a great idea. I need to get some of these pencils for my daughter!

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