Home » 4 Money-Saving Trip Ideas for Families

4 Money-Saving Trip Ideas for Families

If you are a family having to watch your dollars, is it preventing you from taking vacations? 

In the event the answer is yes, you will be happy to know there are vacation options out there for you.

With that in mind, will you be more inclined to go on a trip or two over the summer? If so, do you know where that may be?

For the many families struggling to make ends meet, getting away from it all even for a few days can be relaxing.

So, do you have a money-saving trip idea in mind for your group?

Don’t Let Money Hold You Back

So that you and your family can enjoy some time away, keep these travel ideas on a budget in mind:

1. Cheap hotels

While you want to avoid any hotel that’s run-down, there are plenty of affordable options out there.

For instance, what if your family is within a day’s driving distance of beautiful Niagara Falls?

One of the more scenic landscapes, taking your family to see the waterfalls is great.

Before you panic that you won’t be able to afford a hotel room, take some time to check around.

When in need of cheap Niagara Falls hotels get online and start the search.

Both hotels themselves and travel companies will have plenty of information for you. Use that info to select what you feel is the most affordable rate. 

Even when looking to save money, don’t get the absolute cheapest place and regret it. Your family’s well-being should always come into focus.

Another idea to keep in mind is what location you stay relevant to where you will be sightseeing.

If plans are to spend a few days around New York City consider a stay on the outskirts of the city.

In most cases, you will pay more to stay right in the city.

By staying outside Manhattan or even across the river in New Jersey, you could save a fair amount of green.

2. Avoid rental cars

Unless your family vehicle is in bad shape, steer clear of rental cars.

Even with some good rental car deals out there, it is still more money out your pocket.

Along with the daily rental, you have gas charges etc.

In using the family vehicle, you’re also more familiar with how it operates. As such, the chances for an accident tend to go down.

3. Pack some food

Although there is nothing wrong with eating out on occasion during a family trip, don’t do it non-stop.

Much to your surprise, your food costs can add up rather fast. When they do, you have less money in your wallet or on your available credit.

If using your own vehicle and going away for only a few days pack some food and drinks.

You can use the refrigerator in your hotel room to keep drinks cold. 

Taking your own food and drink is better than raiding the hotel vending machines.

Take advantage of any continental breakfast options where you are staying.

When you are bringing kids along, a free breakfast is a great means to begin the day.

4. Limit the souvenirs

Okay, no one wants to come across as too thrifty during a vacation.

That said your children do not need every single souvenir they come across.

Make it clear before ever leaving the house that the child or children can have one or two souvenirs on the trip. Buying everything in sight will make for a big spending bill before you know it.

When you know where you’re going, ask your child or children ahead of time what they might like.

In doing so, you can focus on finding that item or items. This is a better approach than having a free-for-all each time you walk into a gift shop.

When the time comes for your family to head off, make sure you have some money-saving ideas on your itinerary.


  1. 1AlwaysNYC 1
    May 27, 2017 / 8:45 pm

    We always pack food or go to the grocery store or commissary after we've checked into a hotel. It's a huge savings.

  2. Maryann D.
    May 27, 2017 / 10:18 pm

    Traveling is always expensive to me, so any ideas are helpful to save money. I do think it is a good idea to bring some food since it is costly to eat out all the time.twinkle at optonline dot net

  3. Janet W.
    June 4, 2017 / 11:01 am

    When we travel as a family, the food expense is huge! We try to pack as much food as possible to keep from having to buy food while on vacation.

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