Home » 4 Foods You Can Learn How to Cook in Your Twenties

4 Foods You Can Learn How to Cook in Your Twenties

Being a great cook might
not come naturally to some people. Either they don’t have the experience, or
they find that they like to do something else than spending a lot of time in
the kitchen. On top of that, one needs to deal with the dirty dishes once everything
is ready for boiling or baking.

But cooking for yourself
doesn’t have to be a chore. One of the essential things that everyone needs to
understand is that homemade food is invariably better than anything you might
get pre-made or from a fast-food joint.

To create perfect
recipes, you may need several appliances that can make your life easier. One of
them is a scale, with the help of which you will measure the right amount of
everything that will go into your dishes. This review on gram scales can
help you pick the right model.

Without further ado,
here are six recipes you can learn to cook all by yourself when you’re in your


There are a lot of
variations when it comes to guacamole. Some people have
nothing against eating a lot of garlic, but others might be a bit more
self-conscious, especially if they have to withstand an hour on public

You need some ripe
avocados, salt and pepper to taste, and lemon or lime juice. Other things you
can add to the recipe range from white onion and garlic to cilantro and

All you need to do is
mash everything with a fork, but you can also use the food processor for larger
amounts. The lime or lemon juice is necessary because avocado tends to go brown
really quickly, and the acid in citrus fruits helps slow down the process.


Eggs are very versatile,
and they’re not as unhealthy as some might argue. Apparently, if you eat an
average of 7 to 8 eggs per week, you should be good in terms of your
cholesterol. That is if your health is on par already and you don’t need to
live by a diet.

Frittata can have
anything in it from sauteed veggies to cheese and basil. Some might even add
pre-boiled potatoes. All you have to do is get everything ready in the pan,
cook the eggs with veggies on the stovetop for a little while, and then put
everything into the oven for ten minutes or so.


Nothing’s easier than
chopping up some veggies and adding them to a bowl. If you want your salads to
be more creative, you can add things like pomegranate seeds, sliced avocado,
boiled eggs, pickles, or anything else that might tickle your fancy.

You can even make a
healthy dressing with a bit of olive oil, vinegar, as well as any spices you
might enjoy.

Mashed potatoes

Creamy mashed potatoes are hard to come by,
but they don’t have to be very complicated to make. All you need is equally cut
potatoes, a bit of butter or cream, and all the cheese or bacon you want.

Boil the potatoes until
they are soft and then mash everything up with the butter and cream. You can
add more milk until you get the right consistency. Nothing tastes better than
mashed potatoes to which you’ve added a bit of cheddar cheese, so do try it out
if you’re in the mood.

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