DIY Your Back to School with Westcott® Products

This post is sponsored and written by me on behalf of Westcott® Products through a campaign managed by their PR. All opinions are my own.

With the kids in the back to school swing of things, along with ensuring that they have all that they might need for this new school year, my kids and I also enjoy making those basic supplies a little more personal. We do this by doing our own DIY decor to the products and even creating new products. So when we were sent a large selection of the Westcott® Glue Guns and art tools to do a DIY video with, Estrella and I were very excited to begin creating! You can watch our DIY video below on how to make a pencil bag using a gallon sized zipper food storage bag, 2 pieces of felt, the Westcott® Low Heat Glue Gun, the Westcott® Non-Stick Scissors, and some embellishments that we picked up at our local Michaes craft supply store.

As you can see from the video above, along with the pencil bag we made, we also used other products from the Westcott® line up that we were sent to decorate a pencil box and add small pockets to our binders. For these other projects we used the Westcott® 12″ CarboTitanium Narrow Body Trimmer, the Westcott® Scissors, the Westcott® Premium Hot Glue Pen, and the Westcott® Mini Hot Glue Gun High Temp.

We also found some fun glitter covered paper and ribbon to use for these at our local craft supply store as well. The paper was simple to first cut into the correct sizes using the trimmer, then shaped to fit using the scissors. From there we used the mini hot glue gun to attach the pieces of the paper that we cut out to first the top of the pencil box, then the second piece to the inside of our binder to use a reminder pocket. After we had done that, Estrella wanted to decorate her pencil box even more by adding ribbon to the edge of the outside of the box, and she was able to easily attach this ribbon using the hot glue pen!

When when it was all said and done, we found the Westcott® product selection that we were sent helped us to create more of a personalized look to Estrella’s products for school. Which in all makes the choice to add the products like the ones we were sent from the Westcott® line up, a great choice to go with as you DIY your back to school when it comes to the school supplies the kids will be using!

Westcott® has been providing crafting products since 1872. They understand and listen to the needs of their customers.  Here are some current crafting suggestions: projects.html.  You’ll find additional craft ideas at


  1. Tami Vollenweider
    August 19, 2017 / 1:02 pm

    Who needs to buy a special bag when they can decorate their own!

  2. 1AlwaysNYC 1
    December 6, 2017 / 10:58 pm

    I've wanted a paper trimmer for the longest time. It was great when I was creating invitations or party favors.

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