Essentials for Baby: e-cloth® Luxury Hooded Towel

When parents bring home a new baby and begin to settle into those routines, we find that we want to ensure that we have the tools that are both a must have and that are also able to provide comfort to baby. We find that the comfort part is a huge plus with any product, because when baby is comfortable, they are happy, which makes parents happy as well. So when we were sent the very adorable e-cloth® Luxury Hooded Towel to review from e-cloth®, I knew that Heather would appreciate having it to use as she and her family care for their little Zoey! You can read Heather’s review on the e-cloth Luxury Hooded Towel below.

The e-cloth® Luxury Hooded Bath Towel is so soft and comfy for my baby girl. After her first bath at home, we wrapped her in this hooded towel and she instantly calmed down as she was warm and surrounded with softness. She was dry and ready to get dressed in no time at all. No rubbing her down and making her cold.  This towel just wicked the water off of her unlike a standard towel.  I highly recommend this. Truly a great and useful product, making the e-cloth® Luxury Hooded Towel a must have for any home to use at bath time when caring for little ones!

Product received, thank you to E-Cloth as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.

1 Comment

  1. Maryann D.
    March 17, 2017 / 9:47 pm

    This Luxury Hooded Towel does look so soft and comfy! So perfect for a sweet newborn baby.twinkle at optonline dot net

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