Valentines Day will be here is just 11 short days, and in that time I find that many of us are searching for those gifts, cards and ways to come up with the words to tell those we care about how much they mean to us. Well aside from the fact that when you shop the line of flowers and gifts from Teleflora, you can find that bouquet that can show your love and appreciation, right now through February 12th you can also find the words to help say “I love you” with the Teleflora Love Notes Concierge!
I was able to call earlier today by calling the toll free number and getting the advice and words I needed in order to come up with a great love note to share with my husband. I liked that with the Love Notes Concierge, they are there to help you find the words to say I love you!
When I first called in I was asked to give a short background and love story of the person I wanted to share a love note with. I was then asked what type of love note I was interested in coming up with and sharing. I chose between the romantic, the love or a note with some humor in it. I chose to go with the love note that had some humor in it.
Well after going a little bit over my own love story on how my husband and I met and how our love story has grown, the lady from the Love Note Concierge at Teleflora helped me come up with the following love notes:
“We get older and we get used to one another, I feel lucky I can share the rest of my life with you”
“I choose you, I want you, I love everything about you, no take backs!”
“You are my dinner date my pillow and my best friend”
Then after getting a few love notes to choose from, I was given the option to then order a bouquet or a gift from the Teleflora collection! Making the stress around Valentines Day when it comes to finding the right words and even that bouquet to give, a lot easier when you choose to use the Love Notes Concierge from Teleflora! And to help with making the finding of those words to say to the one you love a little easier, you can call in right now through February 12th and use the free concierge service! Also, be sure to enter to win a $100 gift card to use at Teleflora below!
Product received, thank you to Teleflora as well as the PR for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
Divine Orchid happy Chinese new year
I like the Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses
Pair of Hearts. Sorry don't understand the second question fully. I'm not sure what words I would write but maybe a thoughtful but true note, like I hope we can be a pair of hearts linked together like these blossoms? Typical haha
i would send the pair of hearts bouquet and say we are the best pair of hearts. i would send to my husband. he would love it.
I like the Teleflora's Wrapped With Passion Bouquet. It would be for my mom so I would just say Happy Valentines Day.
I like the A Little Pink Me Up bouquet, I"d love to send this to my mom, I think I'd keep the note simple with something like "Happy Valentine's Day, I love you!"
I would send the Pair of Hearts Bouquet and the note would say – Happy Birthday to my Sister on Valentine's Day.
I love Teleflora's Wrapped With Passion Bouquet and I would also have the concierge service help me with a romantic note with a bit of humor!
I like the Wrapped With Passion bouquet. My message would be: I love you!
I really like the Red And White Delight by Teleflora, but anything really would be awesome. Patricia
I like the Telelfora Pair Of Hearts bouquet.
I like the best friends forever bouquet. I would write "I am glad that you are in my life." and I would send it to my best friend.
I like the Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses bouquet. I would add the words, I love you, Mama!
I love the Citrus Smiles bouquet! All that color would brighten up February. I'm not sure what I would write on the message. I would send it to my Mom, so it would be a message to her.
I like the Teleflora's Pair of Hearts Bouquet the best.
Visited the site and I really like Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses
I really like the Teleflora's Lovely Hearts Bouquet. I would like to send it to my oldest daughter with a note to encourage her to enjoy the flowers now and the mug later!
The Pair of Hearts amazed me! I'd have to think long and hard on what to send with it though, for flowers of such beauty would require words to match.
I would love to get the pleasing purple bouquet for my mom! Thanks for the chance to win!wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I'd send Teleflora's Golden Laughter Bouquet to my sister with a note "Smile"
I like the Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses bouquet and I'd say "Happy Valentine's Day to my soul mate!
I like the Teleflora's Pair Of Hearts Bouquet
I would send the pair of hearts bouquet to my husband – 2 hearts are better than one
I love the Teleflora's Sheer Delight Bouquet and I would give it to my mom and write "I love you forever, I'll love you for always, as long as I am living my mother you'll be"
I like Teleflora's Pair Of Hearts Bouquet and would say I love you on them.
I would send the So Happy You're Mine Bouquet by Teleflora and write I love you, happy birthday love mom!
I like the Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses bouquet
I like Teleflora's Love Medley Bouquet with Red Roses. I'd say love yourself.
Added the Mommy Katie Blog Button:
I like Teleflora's Lovely Hearts Bouquet and I would write Have a Happy Valentine's Day.
I like the rose rapture
I would send my mom the Joy Forever flowers. She is my best-friend and I talk to her on the phone each and every day! I would love to surprise her!
I would send the wrapped in passion bouquet to my husband and say, "I love you to the moon and back!"
I like the Red and White Delight bouquet, and I'd send it to my mom with the message that I love and appreciate her.
I would choose the Teleflora's Pleasing Purple Bouquet and write a note to my mom wishing her a happy anniversary!
I would love the Teleflora's Pair Of Hearts Bouquet to send to my mom and tell her how important she is!
I would send my husband the Wrapped in Passion bouquet and tell him that the last 25 years have been so good they make me want 25 more.
I would love to send the Teleflora's Pop Of Fun Bouquet to my parents for their 50th wedding anniversary! I would say, Happy 50th Anniversary to the best parents ever!
I love the Be My Love Bouquet with Red Roses. It is lovely!
Love the Pair of Hearts bouquet! I would say I Love You!
I love the It's My Party by Teleflora. I would give it to my grandma and say "Thanks for always supporting me"