Younique Moonstruck 3D Fiber Lash Mascara

When it comes to doing makeup, I have found that my biggest hurdle can be my lashes. I have tried various mascaras and false lashes in the past, but with having very fine and light colored lashes, it seems to take a lot to make a difference. With mascara, I have to put on quite a bit to try to get the looks I want, to get that fuller look, and with the false lashes, I dont like that weighed down feeling I get from wearing them. So like many others out there, I have been curious on how the Moonstruck 3D Fiber Lash Mascara from Younique, could make a difference.

I was sent the product to review from a Younique consultant. To get started, I began getting my makeup on, as you can see in the picture below on the top, where I have not added any mascara. (please excuse my puffy allergy eyes) In the top picture, you can see that unless you look closely, it does not appear as if I even have lashes, but rest assured they are there, they are just very fine and light colored.

Once I was ready to apply the Moonstruck 3D Fiber Lash Mascara, I found the process to be quite simple and not as difficult as I had expected. First you put on the Transplanting Gel on each eye, once that is on, you put on the Fibers over the gel. To get the Fibers to set and stay on, you just add another application of the Transplanting Gel, and boom, you get some lashes that really stand out and give you that look you are in search of. As you can see in my after picture at the bottom, there is a big noticeable difference, making me a new fan of the Younique Moonstruck 3D Fiber Lash Mascara!

I liked that aside from the basic I was able to create with my lashes, I could find some great tutorials and various looks on the Younique site, allowing me to not only explore all I can do with the Moonstruck Mascara, but also explore the other products that are available from the Younique line! In all, making the Moonstruck 3D Fiber Lash Mascara from Younique not only a great product to get for yourself, but also one to give to mom this Mothers Day!!!

Product received, thank you to the Younique Consultant for supplying me with a product for this review, all opinions are my own.
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  1. Janet W.
    May 2, 2015 / 9:49 am

    The after picture looks great! Nice results!

  2. Julie Wood
    May 2, 2015 / 2:04 pm

    Your eyelashes look incredible! I would love to try this Fiber lash mascara and see how it works on my lashes!

  3. lil_lady_dz
    May 2, 2015 / 5:50 pm

    I have heard about this fiber lash mascara for a while now, and seen incredible before and after pictures, and the ingredients in it are natural I think, need to try this and stop waiting.

  4. Lesley
    May 2, 2015 / 7:16 pm

    Wow! I need to buy this for my mom. She will love it!

  5. slehan
    May 3, 2015 / 1:56 am

    I have yet to find any kind of mascara that does not make my eyes break out. slehan at juno dot com

    • Anonymous
      May 3, 2015 / 6:27 pm

      I have the same problem. Watery eyes for me. But I saw that they have a money back guarantee, so I figured it couldn't hurt.

  6. Mommy Katie
    May 4, 2015 / 6:10 pm

    yeah, I have horrible allergies, so I was wondering how they would work on my eyes since they water a lot, but I have enjoyed them.

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