Spring is here and all of the Spring time sports and after school activities are upon us. With Estrella that means, after school clubs and practice as well as tutoring. Estrella is getting older and I find that I am having to give her more and more responsibilities. I want to be able to trust her more and one thing that she is constantly bugging me about is having a cell phone. The thing is, she is only 9, and I get worried about getting her a phone on a plan then her loosing the phone or breaking it. So for me and my family, the way we have found to be the smartest way to go is to go the prepaid route. I was able to find a very affordable prepaid phone at my local Walmart, just like the one I was sent from AT&T in the picture below, for about $29, and I also know that when I go to the AT&T store or to my local Walmart, I can purchase the goPhone Cards and purchase minutes to put on this phone for Estrella. I like it for so many reasons. One is, if she looses, ruins or breaks this phone, I am not out a ton of money like say if I go out and buy her a iPhone right away. Two, I can pick and choose how many minutes she can use each month, so say if she uses them all, well than she is done for the month. Then finally, I really like this phone to start Estrella off with because I think it will teach her how to be responsible for a phone, not only for keeping up with it and taking care of it, but also for knowing what her limits are, so when I do decide to add her to a plan, I will be comfortable in knowing that she knows what is expected of her. So if you have kids who think they are ready or who you think might be ready for a cell phone, but you want to make sure they are ready or you do not want to spend a whole lot of money on a fancy cell phone for them, then check out the line of prepaid cell phones from AT&T today, which you can find at your local Walmart or AT&T Store!
This is really great and like you said, if they lose it, you haven't lost a bundle of money. Not to mention, teaching them responsibility by knowing they have only so many minutes they can use. I have a couple grandchildren about ready for something like this and I'd like to see them with a phone for emergencies when they need to get in touch with their parents.
This would make a great starter or "test" phone for a child.
my 12 year old has been begging me for a phone for years, but i just dont know if shes ready. this would be a great way to try it out without spending to much