Like a lot of men out there, my husband is a tech savvy daddy! My husband is the one I go to when I have questions about tech products, or when I have issues with my own products. So when it comes to finding those perfect Fathers Day gifts for the techie in my life, I turn to companies that I know he loves and buys from. One company that my husband likes to buy products from is Kensington. He likes to get his iPad and other computer accessories from them and he also loves the quality of the products he gets from them for a great price! Recently I was sent some items to add to the Fathers Day Guide this year that make for the perfect gifts for my husband this year as well as other fathers out there this year! I was sent the BlackBelt Protection Band for iPad. This is a great case to put his iPad in, now it does not fit the new iPad, but it is perfect for his iPad that he has! I love that not only can he now have some color for his iPad, but he also has a protection case on his iPad that keeps it from getting scratched, or when our 3 year old gets a hold of daddies iPad, this case protects the edges which is great when it comes to those accidental impacts that may happen!! The second item that I was sent was the Virtuoso Stylus for Tablet, which may I add is perfect for using on any of the iPads!! This is great for using to navigate on our iPads and on our Tablets as well. We both love that this stylus is not tiny, so it is easy to keep up with. My husband loves it because he can place it in his pocket for east access like a pen, which is great for when he is working or at school! In all both of these items are great products to give that tech savvy dad in your life!! Well the wonderful people from Kensington are going to give one of my amazing readers the same set I was sent from Kensington!!
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This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will end at 11:59 pm on June 14,2012. Winner will be chosen at and will be given 48 hours before another winner will be chosen. All products for reviews and giveaways are given as a sample from the companies. All opinions in reviews I conduct are my own. I was not paid to say anything or review any products.
My favorite tech item is my Kindle Fire!
My whole family loves tablets.kellywcuATyahooDOTcom
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My husband loves his ipad
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my daddy is not very tech savvy but i would guess his cell phone, im not even sure what kind he has
My husband/dad love their iPads!Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
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new phones!jenniekcoupons at gmail dot com
I would think my favorite would be an iPad. I want one so bad…but that will probably never happen. email: jennycrackedcorn at gmail dotcom
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