I love finding new products that my kids will love!! My son loves his blankets, I mean the boy carries them around after getting out of bed in the mornings and if I let him, he will take them outside with him as well. He doesnt have a particular blanket, it just happens to be what he slept with the night before. Recently I was sent a blanket so to say, that is perfect for my son. I was sent Seymour The Shark from Comfy Critters! Seymour is a shark, but he is not all bite, in fact he is very soft and cuddly, and the perfect blanket buddy type thing for my son!! I love Seymour’s smile, which I see to be perfect for my son to cuddle when he goes to bed and for when he wakes up in the morning to watch his cartoons with!!
Seymour is just one of many lovable, hugable characters from the Comfy Critters line of friends. I love that not only do they made for a great plush like snuggle buddy, but the can also be used as a blanket to keep your little one warm at night, and they can also be worn, which is just way too cute! Well the wonderful people from Comfy Critters would like to give one of my amazing readers their own Comfy Critter friend!!
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This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will end at 11:59 pm on June 22,2012. Winner will be chosen at random.org and will be given 48 hours before another winner will be chosen. All products for reviews and giveaways are given as a sample from the companies. All opinions in reviews I conduct are my own. I was not paid to say anything or review any products.
Dexter the Dog Huggable Hooded Blanket is very cute! jj250@aol.com
I like Milo the Monkey Huggable Hooded Blanket.janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com
I like Milo the Monkey Huggable Hooded Blanket.janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com
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Entered Kensington 6/14 janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#2
Entered Gia Angled Breastfeeding Pillow by Simplisse 6/25 janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#1
Entered Gia Angled Breastfeeding Pillow by Simplisse 6/25 janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#2
i love dexter the dog!http://www.mycomfycritters.com/products/dexter-the-dog-huggable-hooded-blanketreljsw at gmail.com
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I think my daughter would really like the Unity the Unicorn Huggable Hooded Blanketinman@mobap.edu
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My favorite is Seymour, but I also like the Easter Lamb.
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My daughters would love the unicorn and puppy!Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
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Easter Bunny (Blue) Huggable Hooded BlanketI call my daughter my blue bunny so this would be adorable on her..dollhousecreation(at)gmail(dot)com
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I like the shark best! angelaqcrazy at gmail dot com
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My kids would love Seymore the shark
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I like Percy the Penguin Huggable Hooded Blanket. ktiegen at yahoo dot com
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comment 2https://mommykatie.com/2012/06/mia.html
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commented 2https://mommykatie.com/2012/05/finding-nemo-is-coming-to-theaters-in.html
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Unity the unicorn
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My favorite is the Seymour the shark hooded blanket.raisingmypadawans at gmail dot com
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pamiam04468atyahoodotcomentered dole…#1
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomentered dole…#2
I like lily the ladybughttp://www.mycomfycritters.com/products/lily-huggable-hooded-blanketLadyblueeyez1960 at aol dot com
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entered Mr. Bar-B-Q #Giveaway (Fathers Day Guide 2012) janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#1
entered Mr. Bar-B-Q #Giveaway (Fathers Day Guide 2012) janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#2
entered Carter's Little Layette $50 #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby Guide) janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#1
entered Carter's Little Layette $50 #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby Guide) janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#2
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I like Petunia the Pig.urchiken at gmail dot com
I like Petunia the Pig.urchiken at gmail dot com
entered carters
entered carters 2
entered mr bbq
entered mr bbq 2
entered dole
entered dole 2
entered rubbermaid
entered rubbermaid 2
commented 2https://mommykatie.com/2012/06/princess-diaries-10th-anniversary-blu.html
commented https://mommykatie.com/2012/06/princess-diaries-10th-anniversary-blu.html
commented 2https://mommykatie.com/2012/06/princess-diaries-10th-anniversary-blu.html
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entered ah goo baby
entered ah goo baby 2
commented 2https://mommykatie.com/2012/06/this-means-war-on-blu-ray.html
commented 2https://mommykatie.com/2012/06/adams-smart-shield-applicator.html
commented 2https://mommykatie.com/2012/06/disneypixars-brave-summer-games-spot.html
commented 2https://mommykatie.com/2012/06/disneypixars-brave-summer-games-spot.html
entered Ah Goo Baby Plush Pad #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby Guide) janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#1
entered Ah Goo Baby Plush Pad #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby Guide) janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#2
tweet 6/15https://twitter.com/jwatson50/status/213569026742435840janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com
daily tweethttps://twitter.com/HalleelujahMom/status/213733065426612224inman@mobap.edu
entered the Rubbermaid giveawayinman@mobap.edu
entered the Rubbermaid giveawayinman@mobap.edu
entered the Mr .Bar B Q giveawayinman@mobap.edu
entered the Mr .Bar B Q giveawayinman@mobap.edu
entered the Carters giveawayinman@mobap.edu
entered the Carters giveawayinman@mobap.edu
entered the Ahgoo giveawayinman@mobap.edu
entered the Ahgoo giveawayinman@mobap.edu
Oh I love Milo The Monkey the best!landfjacobson @ charter.net
I like Comfy Critters on facebooklandfjacobson @ charter.net#1
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I entered your Sentry Safe giveawaylandfjacobson @ charter.net#1
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tweet 6/16https://twitter.com/jwatson50/status/213935672665456640janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com
entered #Giveaway Journey 2: The Mysterious Island Blu-Ray Combo Pack janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#1
entered #Giveaway Journey 2: The Mysterious Island Blu-Ray Combo Pack janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#2
entered #Giveaway What To Expect: Fisher-Price FastFinder Diaper Bag (Preparing For Baby Guide) janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#1
entered #Giveaway What To Expect: Fisher-Price FastFinder Diaper Bag (Preparing For Baby Guide) janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#2
tweet 6/17https://twitter.com/jwatson50/status/214289674032787456janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com
6/17 tweethttps://twitter.com/Ilovemybeagle2/status/214463689707892739landfjacobson @ charter.net
commented 2https://mommykatie.com/2012/06/apple-macbook-air-ultimate-gift-for-dad.html
commented 2https://mommykatie.com/2012/06/igloo-maxcold-island-breeze-50-roller.html
entered journey 2
entered journey 2
entered fisher price
entered fisher price
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6/18 tweethttps://twitter.com/Ilovemybeagle2/status/214719329969782787landfjacobson @ charter.net
daily tweethttps://twitter.com/HalleelujahMom/status/214825318572236803inman@Mobap.edu
I entered the Fisher Price Giveawayinman@mobap.edu
I entered the Fisher Price Giveawayinman@mobap.edu
tweet 6/19https://twitter.com/jwatson50/status/215019715888807936janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com
I like the Dexter the Dog Huggable Hooded Blanket
like mommy katie on Facebook lana bilyy
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pamiam04468atyahoodotcomcommented on Igloo…#1
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomcommented on Igloo…#2
tweet 6/20https://twitter.com/jwatson50/status/215383289928744961janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com
entered Aurora Crinkle Friend #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby Guide) janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#1
entered Aurora Crinkle Friend #Giveaway (Preparing For Baby Guide) janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#2
entered #Giveaway What To Expect When You're Expecting Lamaze Toys (Preparing For Baby Guide) janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#1
entered #Giveaway What To Expect When You're Expecting Lamaze Toys (Preparing For Baby Guide) janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#2
6/20 tweethttps://twitter.com/Ilovemybeagle2/status/215461532061016066landfjacobson @ charter.net
I like Dexter the Dog for my grandsonmicaela6955 at msn dot com
like you on FB as Michele Pineda #1micaela6955 at msn dot com
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entered rubbermaid plunger giveaway #1micaela6955 at msn dot com
entered rubbermaid plunger giveaway #2micaela6955 at msn dot com
entered simplesse gia pillow #1micaela6955 at msn dot com
entered simplesse gia pillow #2micaela6955 at msn dot com
entered lamaze
entered lamaze
entered aurora
entered aurora
commented 2https://mommykatie.com/2012/06/embelle-baby-bibs-preparing-for-baby.html
commented 2https://mommykatie.com/2012/06/smartdogs-comfort-slippers-by-grandoe.html
tweet 6/21https://twitter.com/jwatson50/status/215739510389088257janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com
entered Rudy's BBQ #Giveaway Celebrate Independence Day With Some TX Bar-B-Q!! !! janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#1
entered Rudy's BBQ #Giveaway Celebrate Independence Day With Some TX Bar-B-Q!! !! janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com#2
6/21 tweethttps://twitter.com/Ilovemybeagle2/status/215911656054734849landfjacobson @ charter.net
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: gia pillow..#1
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: gia pillow..#12
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: little mommy..#1
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: little mommy..#2
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: rubbermaid..#1
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: rubbermaid..#2
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: journey 2..#1
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: journey 2..#2
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: carters..#1
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: carters..#2
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: crinkle friend..#1
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: crinkle friend..#2
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: tomy toys..#1
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: tomy toys..#2
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: ah goo..#1
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: ah goo..#2
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: diaper bag..#1
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: diaper bag..#2
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: ruby BBQ..#1
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomEntered: ruby BBQ..#2
tweet 6/22https://twitter.com/jwatson50/status/216105028736389120janet3rdgrade@yahoo.com
6/22 tweethttps://twitter.com/Ilovemybeagle2/status/216178059726946304landfjacobson @ charter.net
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomcommented on sun blanket…#1
pamiam04468atyahoodotcomcommented on sun blanket…#2