Mothers Day will be here soon and like many other moms out there, I love chocolate. It seems that being pregnant, I am loving chocolate even more, especially brownies. Recently I was sent a great sample pack of a variety of amazing brownies. This sample pack includes Belgian Chocolate Chunk, White Chocolate Macadamia, Cheesecake, Peanut Butter, and Fudge Walnut. I found this pack to be the perfect set for me as a mom. Perfect for those moments when the kids are napping, and I have my me time, I can sit and enjoy an amazing brownie all to myself. I know it might sound bad, but I sometimes have a hard time sharing when it comes to sweets. So that is why I wait until I am alone to indulge, that way I dont have to share, lol. I love the variety in this pack so each day I can have something different, a different way to indulge myself and a sweet guilty pleasure!!!
To make these brownies even more tempting, the wonderful people from would like to give one of my amazing readers a little Mothers Day treat by giving them the same Brownies Sampler Bakery Gift pack I was sent!!
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This giveaway is open to US residents. This giveaway will end at 11:59 pm on April 29,2012. Winner will be chosen at and will be given 48 hours before another winner will be chosen. All products for reviews and giveaways are given as a sample from the companies. All opinions in reviews I conduct are my own. I was not paid to say anything or review any products.
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I'd love the Red Wine Duo & Chocolate Suitcase™ (the wines that are included are great wines…I'd love to find out about the chocolates!)amethyst2272 at
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My favorite is the Double Bunny Easter Basket™and I gave it a G +1.Janet Watson
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I love the Double Bunny Easter Basket™ from my daughter would go crazy for it!lol 1.G+: via steph ellamyluv. 2."like" on FB via lee gold scott and shared post 3.follow on G+ via steph ellamyluv and shared 4.Follow on twitter @ellamyluv and tweeted:!/ellamyluv/status/186802603596849154 Follow on networked blogs: lee gold scott
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I google + the chocolate gift basket premium – sweet decadence.G+: Liz Robinsonarobinson45 (at)
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I think you are talking about a basket for Mother's Day?? Here is one I would like. How about a Breakfast in bed basket! They have one in all different price points. I picked one with a lot of good stuff in it:
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1 of 2 Shared on FB: Mary Baker shared a link.17 seconds agoGreat Giveaway, and it makes my mouth water!!Mommy Katie: Brownie Sampler #Giveaway (Gifts For Mom: Mothers Day 2012)www.mommykatie.comLike · · Share
2 of 2 Shared on FB: Mary Baker shared a link.17 seconds agoGreat Giveaway, and it makes my mouth water!!Mommy Katie: Brownie Sampler #Giveaway (Gifts For Mom: Mothers Day 2012)www.mommykatie.comLike · · Share
1 Of 2 : I follow on G+ : Mary Baker shared a link.17 seconds agoGreat Giveaway, and it makes my mouth water!!Mommy Katie: Brownie Sampler #Giveaway (Gifts For Mom: Mothers Day 2012)www.mommykatie.comLike · · Share
2 of 2 : Mary Baker shared a link.17 seconds agoGreat Giveaway, and it makes my mouth water!!Mommy Katie: Brownie Sampler #Giveaway (Gifts For Mom: Mothers Day 2012)www.mommykatie.comLike · · Share
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2 of 3 : Mary Baker shared a link.17 seconds agoGreat Giveaway, and it makes my mouth water!!Mommy Katie: Brownie Sampler #Giveaway (Gifts For Mom: Mothers Day 2012)www.mommykatie.comLike · · Share
3 of 3 : Mary Baker shared a link.17 seconds agoGreat Giveaway, and it makes my mouth water!!Mommy Katie: Brownie Sampler #Giveaway (Gifts For Mom: Mothers Day 2012)www.mommykatie.comLike · · Share
3 of 3 : G+ this post: Mary Baker shared a link.17 seconds agoGreat Giveaway, and it makes my mouth water!!Mommy Katie: Brownie Sampler #Giveaway (Gifts For Mom: Mothers Day 2012)www.mommykatie.comLike · · Share
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