My daughter loves to accessorize and I love keeping her and her stuff safe. Why not get the best of both, why not accessorize and have ID’s all in one? Like some cool ID Tags that she can put on her backpack, lunch box, water bottle and her toys! That is exactly what Zippies are! They are really cool looking accessory items that I can add her info on, and she can put on all of her stuff! She can choose a different Zippy for her different items. Like Kayla, she is a high energy girl who will take you for a twirl. Perfect for my daughters cheerleading bag!
Then with Tazmo, he is perfect for her backpack so he can really standout!!
Each of these Zippies not only make for really great ID tags for your kids, but they stand out and each of these crazy looking creatures have their own special personalities!! So collect them all so you have the perfect Zippie for your kids and their particular items!!!! The wonderful people from Zippies sent us a set of 5 to get started with and they would also love to send one of my amazing readers their own set of 5 Zippies!!!
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Tell me which of the Zippies you like best and why!! Please leave me your email with this entry!!
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This giveaway is open to US and residents. This giveaway will end at 11:59 pm on October 9,2011. Winner will be chosen at and will be given 48 hours before another winner will be chosen. All products for reviews and giveaways are given as a sample from the companies. All opinions in reviews I conduct are my own. I was not paid to say anything or review any products.
I like Kayla best because pink is my daughter's favorite color and I think she would like that one the mostheididaily at gmail dot com
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I like Flops because of his teeth!Trudyonlyjustine at yahoo dot com
I entered the Boppy giveaway.Trudyonlyjustine at yahoo dot com
I like the tazmo one. It looks like a tiger and that is our school mascot.aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com
I like Edge. It reminds me of my daughter.
We like Flops because we love bunny rabbits Ksgoodnough3808 at gmail dot com
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I liked Zippies on FB as Ani G W #1aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com
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I follow you on twitter @aniheartsjapan.aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com
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I follow you on GFC as ani hearts japananiwilsonintx at hotmail dot com
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I like Paco because my son's favorite color is currently green. simmworksfamily (at)
I like Zippies on FBsimmworksfamily (at)
I like Zippies on FB #2simmworksfamily (at)
I like you on FBsimmworksfamily (at)
I like you on FB #2simmworksfamily (at)
I like Edge. because I love purplebwneyes100 at hotmail dot com
I like Tazmo because he is mean lookinghollow_sins(at)yahoo dot com
like Zippies on facebookentry 1amanda d hhollow_sins(at)yahoo dot com
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My favorite is Chip because his color blue is so pretty!!
I like Kayla because she is cute!coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com