Grassfires tear through the Panhandle

We are in Amarillo which is in Potter County. There have been homes lost to these fires today, a lot of families have been devastated. They have evacuated many areas and the fires are still burning. With the winds being at over 50 mph, the fire fighters can only do so much. We have close friends who are currently waiting to see if their homes are still standing and if they were at all burned by these fires. We also have close friends and some family in the neighboring towns that have either already been evacuated or are waiting to see if the fires are going to get close enough to where they will be forced to leave their homes. The fate of these families and entire towns is to be determined. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. I know that the American Red Cross is here to help and if you would like to help please contact them. Also the Cowboy Church in Amarillo has been helping as many families as they can. If you would like to contact them as well as other churches in the area to donate or help out the number to the Cowboy Church is (806) 622-8000 Prayers are always welcome and all of the families that have already lost their homes could really use them!!

Here is a link so you can track the fire updates:

Fire Updates: Grassfires tear through the Panhandle: “Grassfires throughout the area are devastating parts of the Panhandle.”


  1. Laura Lane
    November 12, 2012 / 5:25 pm

    How frightening it must have been.

  2. Laura Lane
    November 12, 2012 / 5:25 pm

    How frightening it must have been.

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