Wordless Wednesday…

Lets start with the oh how cute!

Harley and Jezabel sitting on Dad’s Lap!

Then we go to the OH NO!!

Playing dress up

So my daughter stayed home from school today because she has Strep (Yuck!!). After destroying her room she decided to dress her little brother up……


  1. Jessie
    October 14, 2010 / 12:29 am

    What cute pictures! My daughter is the same way – she is always trying to dress her little brother up – mainly she gets crowns and jewelry on him! 🙂

  2. Miller Racing Family
    October 14, 2010 / 3:07 am

    Happy Wordless Wednesday!What totally cute photos. I loved the kiddo photo. Won't your little guy love this pic. someday!I hope you had a fabulous day, thanks for linking up and feel free to join us anytime.

  3. Anonymous
    October 14, 2010 / 3:40 am


  4. Mommy Katie
    October 14, 2010 / 5:00 am

    My daughter is bored out of her mind and decided to focus her energy on dressing her baby brother up! And yes, Nanny, I will be saving this one!!!!!

  5. Laura Lane
    November 14, 2012 / 3:26 pm

    We just gave away kittens.

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