Merry Stockings Review

With the holidays just around the corner, are you ready? Have you started with any plans? Have you gotten any of your holiday decor together? To get the best that is out there, now is the time to start your holiday shopping. What about your Christmas stockings? Do you know what you will be getting this year for you and your family? How about some personalized stockings? Ever since I can remember, my family had these stockings that were at my grandparents house. They were personalized stockings that a family friend had made. And every time there was a new edition to the family, the friend would make us a new stocking. Once my grandparents passed away, my mom got my families stockings and still uses those same stockings every year. My mom and dads stockings have been used since they got married in 1978. Mine and my sisters, since we were born. I think the personalization makes them extra special. So there is no getting the stockings confused and each one is personal and was given to us with love. My mom has tried to keep the tradition going by continuing to get personalized stockings for new additions to our family. I know that if she could find stockings that were in the same style as the hand knitted stockings a dear family friend once made, she would. I think I have found what she has been looking for. I found this site called Merry Stockings. I was almost brought to tears when I saw the wool Christmas stockings they carry. These wool Christmas stockings are very similar to the ones that used to be made for our family. It is amazing on how close they are. And they come personalized! After showing my mom this site, I think that this might be where she will be turning to when adding a new family member to the collection of stockings.

Also over at Merry Stockings they carry a variety of personalized items that you will need for the holidays this year. They carry personalized ornaments, embroidered Christmas Tree skirts, Christmas stocking hangers as well as other great personalized Christmas items!


  1. Rheanna
    October 9, 2010 / 4:07 pm

    those stalkings are super cute! thanks for sharing this review 🙂 I'm a new follower from the weekend blog hop. so nice to have found you.

  2. Anonymous
    October 10, 2010 / 9:25 pm

    Cute stockings!! I am so NOT ready for Christmas yet. Thanks for posting, though. Makes me want to start getting ready.

  3. Kim
    October 11, 2010 / 2:27 pm

    Very cute stockings. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Following you

  4. Ina
    October 14, 2010 / 5:20 pm

    What lovely Christmas stockings! Nice for the non-crafter, and the crafter who is pressed for time.

  5. Laura Lane
    November 14, 2012 / 4:56 pm

    I knitted red stockings with white cuffs for all my family last year.

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